
Finance and Economics Double Major Hired at New York Stock Exchange

《网赌的十大网站》, who completed his degrees in January, has been working as a surveillance analyst since March.

Phillip Call sitting in front of a New York Stock Exchange sign

After finishing his degrees in January, 《网赌的十大网站》, a Finance and Economics double major with a minor in Mathematics from Medfield, 质量., started a job as a surveillance analyst for the New York Stock Exchange Regulation Team at Intercontinental Exchange Inc. 3月. 在RWU, Call served as the Vice President of Pledge Education and Vice President of Professional Activities for the Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity. He was also an Orientation Advisor and summer Resident Assistant, 分析俱乐部主席, 总统学生大使, and treasurer for several student groups.

真实的学习: “My senior year I was a Student Fund Manager in the Center for Advanced Financial Education (咖啡馆)项目. CAFE provided me with a very strong financial background, and I was more than adequately prepared to start my job from having all that knowledge. It made learning certain concepts a lot easier. 大二那年, 我知道CAFE是个大生意, 我真的很想深入研究, 所以我一开始就试着做好准备. Professor (Michael) Melton was very accommodating and helped me navigate the whole process. You make a lot of deep connections within the CAFE program, and investing is a skill that’s good to have no matter what discipline you go into after college.”

教员和校友关系: “I was definitely undecided at first. I tried different things within the business school and fell in love with Finance and Economics. 绝对是Dr。. Melton who made me realize that I wanted to pursue a financial path. I landed my current job through the CAFE program. Dr. Melton recommended me to Jacob Hallgren, a 2020 alum who works in the Stock Exchange, 我们从那里开始. 他是我的主要联系人.” 

强大的组合: “In addition to CAFE, my time working with the Analytics Club has hugely benefited me. 现在, 我每天大部分时间都在和数据打交道, 每一天, so that experience helped me be more comfortable working with Excel and other programs. My experiences as an Orientation Advisor and with the Campus Entertainment Network had me working and speaking with large groups of people, which benefited me massively as well."
